IIDX Green Number Calculator
This is a tool to convert your HI-SPEED into Green Number, so you can continue playing IIDX at your preferred speed, even when Green Number didn't exist yet.
Tested on 8th Style, 10th Style, IIDX RED, Distorted, and EMPRESS (with GN enabled, to make sure it's accurate), all on actual PS2 hardware.
It works perfectly on IIDX RED and later, even down to the frame. On 10th Style and before, it seems like Konami calculated HI-SPEED slightly differently? Results will still be mostly accurate, but take them with a grain of salt.
This is mostly a proof of concept/prototype, just for personal use. Although I figured I'd release it publicly, I can't be the only one that really needs a tool like this. Maybe in the future I'll re-write it to be more mobile-friendly. It's a lot more reasonable to have a phone next to you, than an entire PC while playing PS2. Just a funny little oversight. Again, I originally made this just for myself.
Also sorry about all the goofy UI LOL. It originally started as a terminal application, but I wanted a UI so I could change the parameters quicker. One thing lead to another and I just ended up making the UI really silly and 2000s crusty because I figured I'd be the only one seeing it.
If the UI particularly bugs you, downloading the WIndows executable file and opening it in WinRAR or 7zip will expose the programs entire source, including all the sprites (the code, too!). Feel free to edit away!
How to use

(Side note, scrolling may be broken depending on your browser. I've seen it not change the number at all, to changing it by like 400x at a time. I have no control over this, so if you NEED scrolling support, try another browser idk)
If you want to run this locally on Linux or macOS, click "Download" at the top of the page, and download the file called "Source code .love file." Then, run that file in LÖVE2D, either by double clicking the .love file with LÖVE installed on your system, or by dragging and dropping the .love file into the LÖVE executable.
I actually made this tool entirely on Linux, even packaged the Windows build on here, but I am just far too lazy to figure out how to package an Appimage myself LOL I'm sorry Linux users.
Created by rgbmew using LÖVE2D, and built using LÖVE Web Builder
Yes I know LÖVE isn't the absolute best tool for the job, but shut up I know how to use it and I'm too lazy to learn something that requires brain usage like Amulet.xyz or whatever!!!!
Now go away and play some IIDX
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